Updates To Chomp Scan

I’ve been pretty busy working on updates to Chomp Scan. Currently it is at version 4.1. I’ve added new tools, an install script, a new scanning phase, a CLI mode, plus bug fixes and more.

What’s Changed

Quite a bit! Here’s a list:


I’ve added a fully-functional CLI interface to Chomp Scan. You can select your scanning phases, wordlists, output directory, and more. See -h for help and the full range of options and flags.

Install Script

I’ve created an installation script that will install all dependencies and install Golang. It supports Debian 9, Ubuntu 18.04, and Kali. Simply run the installer.sh script, source ~/.profile, and Chomp Scan is ready to run.

New Scanning Phase

I’ve added a new scanning phase: Information Gathering. Like the others, it is optional, consisting of subjack, bfac, whatweb, wafw00f, and nikto.

New Tools: dirsearch and wafw00f

Upon request, I’ve added dirsearch to the Content Discovery phase. Currently it uses php, asp, and aspx as file extensions. I’ve also added wafw00f to the Information Gathering phase.

Output Files

There are now three total output files that result from Chomp Scan. They are all_discovered_ips.txt, all_discovered_domains.txt, and all_resolved_domains.txt. The first two are simply lists of all the unique IPs and domains that were found as a result of all the tools that Chomp Scan runs. Not all maybe relevant, as some domains may not resolve, some IPs may point to CDNs or 3rd parties, etc. They are included for completeness, and the domains especially are useful for keeping an eye on in case they become resolvable in the future.

The third output file, all_resolved_domains.txt, is new, and the most important. It contains all the domains that resolve to an IP address, courtesy of massdns. This list is now passed to the Content Discovery and Information Gathering phases. As the file only contains valid resolvable domains, false positive are reduced and scan time is shortened.

- Solomon Sklash